A. “Consumer Purpose”

If You are applying for insurance wholly for Your own purposes unrelated to Your trade, business or profession, then You have a duty to take reasonable care:

a. Not to make a misrepresentation when answering any questions asked in the enrolment process / application form;

b. When renewing any insurance coverage, not to make a misrepresentation in answering any questions, or confirming or amending any matter previously disclosed in relation to such coverage; and

c. To disclose to us any matter, other than what has been asked in (a) and (b) above, that You know to be relevant to an insurance company’s decision on whether to accept the risk or not and the rates and terms to be applied.

B. “Non-Consumer Purpose”

If this insurance is being applied for purpose that is not a Consumer Purpose (i.e. for a purpose related to Your trade, business or profession), then You have a duty to disclose to us any matter that:

a. You know to be relevant to an insurance company’s decision on whether to accept the risk or not and the rates and terms to be applied; or

b. A reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to know to be relevant.

This duty of disclosure above (whichever is applicable, whether under Consumer Purpose or not) shall continue until the time the contract of insurance is entered into, varied or renewed.